Repeating seamless patterns: definitions, free samples, links, and how-tos

Seamless Repeating Patterns

Repeating patterns without visible boundaries between motifs. Created by elements of the motif that appear in a regular manner (as in set layout) or artfully extend beyond geometric boundaries of the repeating region (as in interlocking patterns). Blending of neighboring units is another way to achieve seamless repeats.
Example(s) of Seamless Repeating Patterns
  • An example of a repeating pattern (foulard)
  • An example of a interlocking pattern design
  • An example of a linoleum pattern design
Seamless repeating patterns created with Artlandia SymmetryWorks.
  • An example of a textile design created in SymmetryMill
A seamless repeating pattern with blending created in
Artlandia SymmetryMill. Based on the George F. Angas painting. See how »
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