Use SymmetryWorks to add official backgrounds to your web pages or protect your documents against counterfeiting with guilloché patterns—complex interlaced backgrounds used for security on currencies worldwide. Creating guilloché patterns is especially easy with multi-replicas, a powerful SymmetryWorks feature, that lets you multiply a selected element as many times as needed. To create a guilloché pattern, simply draw a thin curve and spawn multiple shifted copies with a
multi-replica. You can just as easily generate a rotated or rotated and reflected set of curves, and use other transformations. Interactively edit the original curves—or change your transformation—and see the entire pattern updated as you edit. You can similarly create unique
certificate borders or add intricate guilloché shapes, ornaments, and other features to your
certificate designs. The full support for symbols and Illustrator blend objects in SymmetryWorks makes creating
guilloché shapes even easier.